Industry Publications
Below are links to several industry publications related to stray voltage:
Determining Voltage Levels of Concern for Human and Animal Response to AC Current
This paper supplies a review of the literature on human and animal response to ac current along with a review of the standards and documents that presently have published values for voltage, current, or resistance. These documents prove useful in understanding the establishment of published limits and levels of concern. A methodology is described whereby new levels of interest for contact scenarios may be developed using a systematic process that follows the basic methodology applied in establishment of prior limits.
Established and Non-Established Levels of Concern for Contact Voltages
This document summarizes the effects of current flow through the body for situations where a proposed new level of concern may be of interest, summarizes "established" levels for human and "non-farm animal" contact scenarios, discusses historical aspects of the established levels of concern, and discusses the procedure(s) necessary for establishing new levels for contact scenarios where a level does not presently exist.
Standardized Measurements for Elevated NEV Concerns
This paper discusses the variables of interest surrounding accurate and consistent detection and measurement of any elevated NEVs. This discussion includes instrumentation, time of day, seasonal patterns, and remote earth or ground reference selection points.
Contact Voltages due to Inadvertently Energized Conductive Objects and Surfaces
This presentation introduces and summarizes the 2009 Jodie Lane Annual Conference.
Determining Voltage Levels of Concern for Human and Animal Response to AC Current
This presentation discusses parameters that control body current, human and animal testing, terminology for perceptible levels, existing publications with voltage or current levels, the important criteria for developing levels of concern (LOC), and a comparison of criteria among the standards and publications.
Distinguishing Induced Voltage vs. Direct Contact Voltage - EPRI Field Trial Research Update
This presentation answers the questions: How does the actual soil moisture and content impact voltage measurements during steady state fault conditions? How does the actual resistance value selected for the measurement impact the reading? Is there a way to distinguish an "induced voltage" condition from a direct fault condition?
Elevated Neutral to Earth and Metallic Object to Earth Voltage Assessment Project
Through examples and research, this presentation discusses elevated NEV and MOEV definitions and descriptions, what causes elevated NEV, what causes MOEV, how NEV affects humans and animals, and approaches to remedy elevated NEV concerns.
Elevated NEV & Urban Stray Voltage Concerns: EPRI Research Update
This presentation reviews the EPRI research into Elevated NEV & Urban Stray Voltage Concerns, including example results, case studies, and 2008 efforts and future work.
EPRI Contact Voltage R&D Program Update
This presentation summarizes excerpts from the materials presented at the EPRI power delivery advisory committee meetings in Chicago, IL (Sept 2009). It also summarizes all of the relevant research under the EPRI Contact Voltage Program (128.005).
Fault Test Plans Evaluation of Grounding and Bonding Around Swimming Pools and Spas – August 2009
This presentation discusses the effects of inner ring vs. outer ring, ring combinations, vertical vs. angled ground rods, multiple ground rods, horseshoe vs. full ring, depth of ground ring, and load resistor.
How well does a properly installed and bonded pool deck perform during a 4kV arcing fault?
This presentation reviews test data from the EPRI Lenox, MA, swimming pool test structure to answer the question, How well does a properly installed and bonded pool deck perform during a 4-kV arcing fault?
Manhole Events – State of Science of EPRI Research
This presentation takes an historical review of manhole gas explosions and different types of manhole covers to mitigate the effects of manhole explosions.
Neutral-to-Earth and Contact Voltages in Distribution Systems Project 128.005
This presentation describes EPRI project Neutral-to-Earth and Contact Voltages in Distribution Systems, Project 128.005.
P128.005 2009/10 NEV & Urban Stray (Contact Voltage) Diagnostics & System Design
This presentation discusses faster and more efficient diagnosis and mitigation of voltage-related perception complaints.
Perceptible Voltages at Human and Animal Contact Points
This presentation discusses contact voltage complaint sources, prior industry research, EPRI strategic roadmap and gap analysis, EPRI research, industry needs, human and animal response to current, establishing levels of concern, and contact voltage due to faults vs. NEV.
Project 128.005 2009/10: NEV & Other Contact Voltage Diagnostics & System Design
This presentation reviews Project 128.005 2009/10: NEV and Other Contact Voltage Diagnostics and System Design.
Project 128.005 2009/10: NEV & Urban Stray (Contact Voltage) Diagnostics & System Design
This presentation reviews Project 128.005 2009/10: NEV and Other Contact Voltage Diagnostics and System Design.
Project Set 128 B: 128.004 – Elevated Neutral-to-Earth Voltages and Urban Stray Voltage Concerns in Distribution Systems
This presentation reviews EPRI Project 128.004 – Elevated Neutral-to-Earth Voltages and Urban Stray Voltage Concerns in Distribution Systems.
Project Set 128 B: 128.004 – Elevated Neutral-to-Earth Voltages and Urban Stray Voltage Concerns in Distribution Systems
This presentation reviews EPRI Project 128.004 – Elevated Neutral-to-Earth Voltages and Urban Stray Voltage Concerns in Distribution Systems.
Project Set 128 B: 128.004 – Elevated Neutral-to-Earth Voltages and Urban Stray Voltage Concerns in Distribution Systems
This presentation discusses advanced diagnostics, source identification, and source resistance. It also reviews last year's evaluations at Lenox and discusses the advanced early-detection ideas.
Project Set 128 B: Stray Voltage Analysis Tools & Technologies
This presentation reviews EPRI Project 128.004 – Elevated Neutral-to-Earth Voltages and Urban Stray Voltage Concerns in Distribution Systems.
Project Update: Evaluation of Grounding and Bonding Around Swimming Pools and Spas – May to September 2009
This presentation reviews of the objectives and pool construction plan, the NEV test plan, the fault test plan, the input from the team to refine test plans, and photos and preliminary results from testing.
Standardized Measurements for Elevated NEV and Energized Object Concerns
This presentation provides an overview of past and present EPRI experiences related to contact voltages, observations related to measurement of contact voltages, a discussion on the need for an IEEE guide that focuses at least "in part" on standardized measurement protocols, and some suggestions on future IEEE related work.
Stray Voltage Testing Protocol
This presentation describes proposed test protocols to determine the level of stray voltage.
Technical Briefs
Pool Shocking - "Fun in the Sun" Can Be a Shocking Event
This document describes the causes and solutions to a problem with people getting shocked at a new pool construction.
TechWatch Series
Understanding Nuisance Shocking
This PQ TechWatch provides insights on all aspects of nuisance shocking, first defining the sources of the voltages that can lead to nuisance shocking, and then a brief history of the phenomenon. Techniques for diagnosing nuisance shocking problems are given their own section, followed by detailed treatment of both traditional and new techniques for mitigating the problem once it has been identified.